Twin Falls Home Song(songwriter unknown, 1905). This song is referenced in the book “Tales of the Tract: the Beginnings of Twin Falls, Idaho and the Magic Valley“ by James F. Varley. Lyrics were published in The Twin Falls News on Feb. 1, 1907. The melody clearly is that of “Home on the Range.” The song celebrates the transformation of the sagebrush flats around Twin Falls by the Snake River irrigation projects spearheaded by I. B. Perrine. According to the Twin Falls News article, the song was composed and sung by a local man at a meeting of the local Famer's Institute. No doubt to the glee of the assembled farmers, it poked some fun at Sandy McPherson, the leader of the Institute who was supposed to be the local farming expert. The rendition here by Harry Strang on vocals sought to recreate the sound the song might have had when it was written in 1907. Gary Eller added guitar. |
No Instrumental Posted for Jan. 2010
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